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Wolfnights - the gourmet wrap


99 Riv-Ing-Ton Street, New York City, New York, 10002

  • Sunday 01:00 05:00
  • Monday 01:00 02:00
  • Tuesday 01:00 02:00
  • Wednesday 01:00 02:00
  • Thursday 01:00 02:00
  • Friday 01:00 02:00
  • Saturday 01:00 05:00
  • Takeout
Cuisines Vegetarian

About Wolfnights - the gourmet wrap

Well, how many of you can relate to this: It's the mid-dle of the night and you're work-ing late or study-ing, (or par-ty-ing the night away) and sud-denly you're STARV-ING! You want some-thing that you can wolf down but you're sick of greasy fast food and bor-ing fla-vor com-bi-na-tions. That's how the idea for Wolfnights(R) was born. We will fill your mid-day or mid-night crav-ing with our explo-sions of fla-vor: savory, sweet, fresh, crunchy, spicy. We cre-ate the ideal bal-ance of these fla-