55 restaurants found in Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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Shogun Habachi Steakhouse
1368 Mall Run Rd, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
Japanese, Steakhouse
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Blue Moon Cafe and Pub
375 Mountain Rd, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
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Papa John's
229 W Main St, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
- Sunday 10:00 23:00
- Monday 10:00 23:00
- Tuesday 10:00 23:00
- Wednesday 10:00 23:00
- Thursday 10:00 23:00
- Friday 10:00 12:00
- Saturday 10:00 12:00
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J Paul's
7 W South St, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
- Sunday 01:00 02:00, 17:00 24:00
- Monday 01:00 02:00, 12:00 24:00
- Tuesday 01:00 02:00, 12:00 24:00
- Wednesday 01:00 02:00, 12:00 24:00
- Thursday 01:00 02:00, 12:00 24:00
- Friday 01:00 02:00, 12:00 24:00
- Saturday 01:00 02:00, 17:00 24:00
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All Star Asian Buffet
203 Walmart Dr, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
- Sunday 10:00 22:00
- Monday 10:00 22:00
- Tuesday 10:00 22:00
- Wednesday 10:00 22:00
- Thursday 10:00 22:00
- Friday 10:00 11:00
- Saturday 10:00 11:00
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Canton Chinese Restaurant
145 E Fayette St, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
- Sunday 01:00 22:00
- Monday 11:00 21:00
- Tuesday 11:00 21:00
- Wednesday 11:00 21:00
- Thursday 11:00 21:00
- Friday 11:00 22:00
- Saturday 24:00 24:00
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New Century Chinese Buffet
175 McClellandtown Rd, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
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